

So, the cover is blown. Can’t trust the younguns. Alright, so it was just a matter of time before the Texas gang figured out we were here. And I can’t blame Jason. If I had the flue and was getting pelted with freezing rain, I’d probably go knocking on the door too. If you ask me though, I’d say Austin waited too long to tell these folks what was going on anyway. I’m all for security, but I do think there’s a time to breach it when there’s more at stake than just pure mission success.

On the brighter side, today was the first day in a month that the blue jay didn’t come to… well… let’s just say camera number eight is clean today.


Lay Low

Whatever you do, don’t trust Pete’s driving. Take my word for it. He may think he’s big stuff with that Mustang of his… and maybe he is… but I think I came back with a few more gray hairs after going into town for some supplies. What part of “lay low” doesn’t he understand?