
Gunner's Famous Quotes

Think first.

Just say "no" ...unless "yes" is the right answer.

Failure exists only in the hearts of those foolish enough to believe it.

Never jump with your eyes closed – there’s too much to see on the way down.

Do not be afraid of messing things up – this is how wisdom is gained.

Never leave your heart unspoken.

If it weren't for the cloudy days, the sunny days would seem less extraordinary.

Go ahead - wear your heart on your sleeve. At least people can see it.

Sarcasm means nothing to someone who doesn't understand the concept of true humor.

True love is unconditional in a heart that knows no bounds. True hate devours the soul and deprives the spirit.

Look into the eyes of man and see a world of greed. Look into the eyes of God and see a universe of grace.

White, puffy clouds are God's way of making us use our imagination.

Toast always tastes better when Grandma makes it.

Life is short. Don't wait to live it.

It doesn't take success to form a dream. It takes a dream to reach success.

Don’t look back. You might miss what’s right in front of your face.

God gave us a mind for dreaming and a heart for soaring.

Tomorrow will come soon enough. Then you’ll wish for yesterday.