
Zap zip kaploo

Here I sit. Just me and my computers. Okay, so they’re TJY’s computers. They should be mine though, with as much time as I’ve spend with them, right?

TJY’s in a mess. Austin, what are you thinking? And where has Carter gone? Guess he knows how to drop off the face of the earth. Ever wonder how that’s done? I can’t even find a toe, let alone the earth’s face.

Me, I like looking for the stars. Who cares about where the earth is… I want to touch that night sky and explore its wonders.

Had a few stars of my own last night. Well… okay, so they were sparks. Alright, so it was my fault. I crossed too many wires. Zap, zip, kaploo…. Smoke. Not good. Sorry, Scott. Er, Dalton. Er… Scott. Somebody. Anybody. Hello????



Austin has gone back to Nevada. Would you believe it’s just me now? Me, Mr. Blue jay and Mr. Squirrel. All one big happy family.

Been a while. The weather has been a bit chilly. Thankfully I haven’t run out of firewood. It’s strange being alone here. I thought it was quiet with just one or two others around. With just me, I can hear my own thoughts. Some are quiet. Some are deep. Others are utterly insane.

By the way, did you know that if you’re trying to make s’mores, it’s really not a good idea to do them inside while you’re sitting on a rug? Sticky. Very sticky.


On your side

Go get ‘em, Hotshot. And don’t forget to take your Hero along. I don’t care what Austin says either. Not that I’m supposed to even know about your little planned adventure. But know that you’re not the only ones on your side. As a matter of fact, probably the whole of TJY, except the leadership, is at the moment. Bring Scott home.



It rained tonight. A light rain, but a cold rain.

Pete left two weeks ago to assist in a mission down in Arizona. Carter thought he’d best be used there instead. It’s just down to Austin and me now. Things have turned rather dismal. I need to remember God’s in control of this whole mess.



The Lord take you into His arms, Scott. Miss you.


Camera trouble

Alright, so camera seven has gone completely kaput. Reese, where’s that replacement you were going to send me?! Susanne, what sort of secretary are you? You’re supposed to keep the boss in line!

No, I’m not going to make due by taking a regular camera and going and snapping stillshots of nothingness. I’ll probably end up walking over to the east ridge just to find that the squirrel has been at work yet again. On my way back, I’m going to steal Pete’s car just to freak him out. Won’t that be fun?



Weddings are always nice. Especially when I get to see a few old faces.

Yeah, been quite a while since I’ve jotted anything down. Mostly been going over cases that Reese has got me on. He finally decided I could at least do some research for TJY. Lots and lots has happened since then. Well… at least in the world of Nevada. Here, it’s been relatively quiet.

Today though I got to see Scott. He wasn’t all that thrilled with the mess over here, but it was worth it to see his can of Mountain Dew again. Jason seemed a bit preoccupied, but I supposed I would be too if I had a pretty little thing like Camryn hanging on my arm.

Mick and Rosetta seem extremely happy. Everything I do is from a distance. But I see things. Yes… I see hearts.



Ever wonder what you’d do if someone you knew went to prison? Now I know. You look at it from a distance with a deeper concern than ever before. Where is justice?


Great black sky

Jamie, you’re in our prayers. Glad you’re okay.

Stuck behind this computer all day, I get time to think a lot. Too much, maybe. Interacting some with the ranch has gotten me out of my little hole, and given me something to do. I don’t get in anybody’s way, or at least try not to, but Jeff’s been showing me a few things about the horses and it’s been one outlet for me.

Last night was spent under the stars. No, Austin and Pete didn’t kick me out, even though they might have wanted to. It was by choice. Just me and the great black sky. Millions of stars. It’s amazing how much you can see out here.


Not my fault!

It’s the blue jay, I tell you! He’s the one messing with the camera! I mean… ON the camera! Scott, I swear it wasn’t me!!!


Thick of things

Ever notice that no matter how slow your own world seems to turn, the rest of it just keeps on going at the same speed? It’s like you wake up one day, and wham! Everything has changed.

A ton of stuff going on in Nevada. Not that I want to be in the thick of all the kidnappings, soap operas and car wrecks.

Okay, so my sarcasm gets the best of me. Really, I wish I could be there where I could be doing some good and helping out. Instead, I’m watching the same cameras day in and day out, while nothing happens. The Agency has moved on. Unfortunately, I haven’t.

Hey, Carter! Want to trade places?!



Conrad has gone back to Nevada. I miss the big guy. Austin says he might be back. My guess is he won’t be. I’m dying to get back to base myself. But this is what I get paid to do.

What I do NOT get paid to do is burn the macaroni and cheese. Probably a good thing. Otherwise I might do it more often. And if I did, Pete would probably kill me. And that would not be a good thing.

I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been in Texas. Whatever you do, do not agree to loan out your pillow. Big guys drool. Do not trust the tech guy when he can’t actually see what you’re doing. (No, do not put your finger in that socket. Scott, buddy, next time, just say no. I will obey.) Never forget the open bag of potato chips outside – the raccoon WILL return.

I said I would miss the country. I will. But today is a day I miss home. Hang in there, Katie. We’re rooting for ya.

Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen.


Too long

It’s been too long since I’ve gotten involved in church. I’m feeling it. Starting in on this job, I thought I could handle it for a while. Out in the boondocks. No society to bog me down. Just me and the fresh, clean air…

But I’m craving the interaction in worship. Been invited to join the ranch gang this Sunday. I think I will take them up on it.



Susanne! Where have all my sorted files gone?! I need your expertise!

…Yeah, so… I lost a few things. Carter doesn’t know yet. Austin doesn’t know yet. Reese doesn’t know yet. Let’s see if I can keep it that way.


In the saddle

Jason is back in Nevada, recovering after his bout in Alaska. Austin’s hanging around the ranch more and more – Con too. Pete and I hang out here mostly, getting on each other’s nerves, but hanging in there. I’ve been taking more walks. Haven’t had to keep an eye on the cameras quite as often lately. I’m learning these woods pretty well by now though. Ran into Mick yesterday – he was out with a horse. Wound up getting me in the saddle. Think I might try that sport again sometime.



A shooting star. Such a little thing. But it reminds me of the vastness of space, and how much greater is the grace of God. And that is the thought for the day.



You’d think I’d be writing more now, after things have been so quiet. But my lack of motivation has gotten me in more ways than one. I’m pretty good at playing solitaire on the computer now. ‘Course, Carter’s been sending me all sorts of fun stuff to investigate.

I hear Katie’s doing well around the office. Heard from Wyatt about that – I think he’s taken with her. Can’t blame the guy. Jason’s been a mess. Turned down by his girl, took off for a case in Alaska. Lucky dog. I’m still stuck back here in this little cabin.

Got its good side though. I liked nature before. Now I’ve been immersed in it and am realizing that when I do go back home some day, it’s going to be harder than I thought.


Hot Pocket

All I have is one question. If we can have all these great computers, all this high-tech equipment, all these cameras… why can’t we have a microwave that works?! All I wanted was my hot pocket! Is that too much to ask?!


Good luck

Crash and burn. Sorry, Hotshot. News travels fast. Especially when Conrad’s involved. No, the camera’s didn’t catch it – good thing, ‘cause I’d want to forget about it too.

Katie’s left the ranch, heading for Nevada. Good luck. We could use some more good agents.


Time moves on

Quiet. Too quiet. The days have grown long. Though happy with a lack of action that indicates the Agency’s lack of interest in the ranch, it has provided some pretty dull days. Correspondence with home base keeps me going. Scott’s been feeding me instructions to help Pete keep things running. Austin’s been a bit on edge. Jason’s been distracted by a whole heap of things from his past to two girls he can’t make his mind up about. Con is the best – steady as a rock. And time moves on.



Well, what do we have on tv tonight? What? Twelve different views of a ranch yard? Okay, I can handle that. I’ve been handling it for months now. What would be the difference tonight? ‘Course Hotshot is out there enjoying a date to a dance. La tee da. Even Conrad got to go, though I haven’t gotten up enough nerve to tell him there’s no way he deserves to drive a girl as pretty as Katie.

Pete, on the other hand, is here, staring at the screens as well. Oh, wait… he’s trying to fix the computer that I killed today. Yes. I admit it. It was me. Scott, where are you?! Pete doesn’t know what he’s doing!


Thanking God

Nothing like the kidnapping of a partner to knock the wind out of your sails. It’s been a mess over here. Cold nights and worry running rampant. Don’t know why Jason was targeted, but everyone took it pretty hard. Didn’t think he was going to make it back to us. But thankfully the Agency’s little injection only served to scare the tar out of us, not kill Jason. Thanking God for that one.


Bogus gray streak

What I want to know is why I don’t get my own bunkhouse too. I love Hotshot to death, but come on… how come he gets the soft bed every night, when I’m still out here in the boonies, listening to Austin snore, fighting Con to get the good blanket before we sack out, and putting up with Pete’s late-night munchie madness. It’s just not fair! I don’t have a streak of gray hair just to show it off you know – doesn’t age have any bearings?

Okay… so that bogus streak of gray has nothing to do with age. I’ve had it since I was sixteen after that lovely surgery. But that’s beside the point, right?

What was the point again? I don’t know. It’s time for bed.