
Living quarters

Sleeping on a cold floor, in a cramped cubicle space is not all it's cracked up to be. Trust me. Oh, a fluffy pillow donated by Susanne helps, I'll admit that. But when I said I missed my cubicle, I didn't mean I missed it this much!

Time ticks slowly when waiting for an antidote. No word. Just waiting. Angel is the same. Having gotten to know her at the ranch, I'm feeling a bit bad for her. Praying that the search team is safe.

Until something changes, I'm stuck here on the floor for a while. I could go sack out at Jason's, but I'm afraid of Trooper. Reese offered to let me stay in his spare room, but living with my boss just don't seem right. Wyatt would have had me to his place, but he's got Ty there. I asked Laura if I could come stay with her, but I got a whack to the arm along with her resounding "no." Guess I need to work on my humor gauge.


I can come back!

Being here at TJY feels strange after having been gone for so long. But it's like a piece of me that's been missing. I've missed the people... the interaction... the busy days. After arriving with the guys from the ranch, I discovered Reese was now in charge. Fancy that. They change chiefs around here like I change underwear - though I'm hoping Reese will stick around for a while now. Apparently he didn't realize I was still in Texas. Guess I know now that he doesn't read this blog. Freedom! I can say whatever I want on here!

Seriously though, he's transfering me back to base and that sure does feel good. Some other guy will get to be the lucky one to go hang out at the ranch. But as for me... after dropping the Texas group back off again, I'll be back with a real life. Well... once I get settled, get an apartment, get a car... Oh, my cubicle, I have missed you!


Now that's interesting

Whoa, dude, Jason is chief? What have I missed? Can I come back to Nevada now? Please? I promise to be good! At the very least would somebody please keep me updated? Hello! Over here! Somebody? ...Anybody?

I think they forgot about me.


Just me

Scared myself looking in the mirror today. Thought there was some grizzly woodsman intruder. But after a second glance, I realized that it was indeed myself. My neglected hairstyle has run amuck, almost all the way down to my shoulders. Not to worry though, I didn’t let my full beard get that far – I’ve kept it trimmed. I do have some sense of style… maybe. Jeff made fun of me the other day. I told him I wanted to return to Nevada and give a few old friends heart attacks. He told me that it wouldn't take an old friend to do that - anybody would have a heart attack seeing the likes of me. I promptly put him in a headlock. The argument was short-lived. Yours truly won. Reminded me of the good ol' days, wrestling with Con. When I get back to Nevada, IF I ever get back there, it'll be different not having the big guy around the office.