
Living quarters

Sleeping on a cold floor, in a cramped cubicle space is not all it's cracked up to be. Trust me. Oh, a fluffy pillow donated by Susanne helps, I'll admit that. But when I said I missed my cubicle, I didn't mean I missed it this much!

Time ticks slowly when waiting for an antidote. No word. Just waiting. Angel is the same. Having gotten to know her at the ranch, I'm feeling a bit bad for her. Praying that the search team is safe.

Until something changes, I'm stuck here on the floor for a while. I could go sack out at Jason's, but I'm afraid of Trooper. Reese offered to let me stay in his spare room, but living with my boss just don't seem right. Wyatt would have had me to his place, but he's got Ty there. I asked Laura if I could come stay with her, but I got a whack to the arm along with her resounding "no." Guess I need to work on my humor gauge.